Saturday, July 11, 2009

End of the World

Don’t be awestruck by the title, I am not going to tell how the world is going to End.

{If I had give a go to the question when would the world will end, my answer would be when there are no worries, no inequalities and no hardships}

I am just giving my perception on this topic.

What really means End of the world to us, is it end of a species called Humans? or really end of the world?

The second one is absurd or distinct because living creatures have the stamina to live in most extreme conditions or have the ability to adjust to the conditions.

let me give an example: (it is a scientific fact of course)

once upon a time about 65million years ago a meteor hit earth and by the consequences dinosaurs disappeared from earth but don’t you think there are living creatures which have gone through that situation and still living with us withholding all the extreme conditions.

I am once again on my familiar square “Survival of the fittest”.

{ I will definitely  be writing on my favourite topic “Survival of the fittest”.}

So coming to first condition End of a species called Humans.

First of all keep aside “End of Human race”, if we think as one.

Are we really that afraid to come to end, aren’t we going to stand up and fight for living.

I am not talking about Alien war { movies like Independence day},

I am talking about self Immunisation (I mean human race as a whole), we are a evolved species and one of the dominant ones like dinosaurs so as process of evolution we know all pro & cons of nature (almost) and we have come up victorious, I mean we still exist. so why are so many speculations about the statement “End of the World”.

If I were to give a go about the chances of us existing they are very good.

{How do you know?}

End of a dominant species happened 65 million years ago and does anyone know when such an event happened earlier than that?

Let us say if it happens any time sooner than later, what are the chances of the extinction of human race?, which is among so many different species.

And if we come to ground reality survival of ourselves is more important than any other, that’s what our brain is preconfigured with.

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